Manual deploy#


The web application requires the following services to run, so you must configure them before starting it.


We use GINO for the database connection, you can use any of database backends supported by it.

Database backends supported by GINO

At the time of writing, GINO supports PostgreSQL and MySQL.

After you setup the database, you should set the DB_URL environment variable according to your database setup.

bash command to set DB_URL#
$ export DB_URL='postgresql://username:password@host:port/database'

Configuring the Web-app

You can find all the supported configuration settings in the Web-app Configuration page.

Object storage service#


This isn’t implemented yet, so it’s not needed to run the web-app at the moment.

Spawning the app#

greenhouse exposes a ASGI app on the greenhouse.web.asgi module. You can use any ASGI server implementation to run the app, but we recommend using Gunicorn with the Uvicorn runner.

Spawn the greenhouse app with 4 workers#
$ gunicorn example:app -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker